Window & Door Installation in Conservation Area
Karbon Homes

After a lengthy planning application, Karbon Homes released a scheme of 28 properties within a Conservation Area in Blyth Northumberland to receive windows and doors.
What were the Challenges?
The Listed Planning application that was granted specified that the window and door frames were to be manufactured from Accoya which is a long-life modified wood. Accoya is only released is small quantities leaving manufacturers unable to source enough raw material to complete production in a continuous run.
What did we do?
We approached a long-standing supplier to enquire if they could manufacture timber windows in a style that would match the proposed styles in the planning application, as there is no deviation allowed in a Conservation Area, whilst offering similar performance and longevity offered by Accoya. Between us, we specified a treated hardwood material that not only exceeded the Accoya warranty but also yielded a cost saving on the scheme.
What was the Outcome?
The replacement windows and doors completely changed the appearance of the building given the age and condition of existing. Tenants commented that the increased thermal performance was instantly noticeable although the acoustic performance was even more pleasing as the properties were adjacent to a heavily trafficked road.