Door Replacement to High Rise Flats
Your Homes Newcastle

Following a successful tender bid, we were awarded a fire door replacement scheme comprising of 33 High Rise blocks throughout Newcastle upon Tyne.
What were the Challenges?
Installing doors in older buildings with uneven floors makes it difficult to set doors with compliant gaps in line with the manufacturer’s test parameters. Services and Utilities penetrating compartment lines. Elderly tenants in blocks struggle to operate doors with overhead closers.
What did we do?
To overcome the issue with the floors and leave all doors compliant, we agreed to an extra step by applying rapid setting concrete and a decorated timber threshold to set the door and achieve the desired air gap. This is now done as standard on all fire doors.
To guarantee compartment lines achieve the same fire resistance as the newly installed doors, we were required to fire stop many penetrations of differing sizes. Often this required researching specialist products and techniques.
Fire doors must remain fully closed or latched to be effective. Where the pressure of the overhead closer was too great or closing speed too fast and we had adjusted as far as we could, we needed another solution. We sourced a hold open closer that allowed elderly or vulnerable tenants to open or close on demand but in the event, it was left open, the closer includes microphones that close the door if an alarm sounds. As the scheme progressed, we identified at the survey stage where they were required.
What was the Outcome?
The scheme was completed leaving all high-rise housing stock in Newcastle fully compliant. Flat entrance doors were tailored to suit the occupants so elderly and vulnerable tenants have the same level of fire protection but can freely access and egress their homes. Following the successful delivery, we have been further awarded over 200 low to mid-rise blocks.