Planned Maintenance
Mears Ltd

Mears successfully landed a large contract to manage and maintain a large housing association’s property portfolio. We had previously been a preferred contractor of the housing association in the North East and were approached to continue with the external refurbishment as a Sub-Contractor to Mears.
What were the Challenges?
Changing roles from Principal Contractor to Sub-Contractor meant we had to relinquish control of some areas. Although the end client remained the same, there was no more direct communication with them, and we were required to adopt Mears’ policies and practises and complete works to their schedule.
What did we do?
Mears’ systems were used to log and track deliveries and allow their scheduling team to arrange works for our installers. Although we weren’t required to complete certain tasks as a sub-contractor, we continued many practices utilized as Principal Contractor to maintain quality and programme performance.
What was the Outcome?
We have remained Mears’ preferred external refurbishment contractor for the previous 6 years and are continuing into the 7th. On top of the planned maintenance, we receive additional enquiries from them annually.